We are available to our customers at three locations

We operate a modern and very environmentally-friendly scrap yard in Knittelfeld. Thanks to our scrap processing with large shears and shredders and logistics with our own fleet of vehicles and containers, we can ensure a range of services to meet the needs of every customer. At our Klagenfurt site – a central location for our customers – we trade in ferrous scrap and non-ferrous metals.
Regional customers particularly appreciate the location because of the large selection of ”usable goods” we have in store. Our Fritz KUTTIN GmbH facility in East Tyrol, Austria, also offers the convenience of an easily accessible location. In Lienz, a town in the immediate vicinity of Dölsach railway station, the scrap metal collection in the East Tyrol region has been reorganised since it opened in 2011. Since then, it has offered the population improved service quality.

As part of the REON GROUP we create: 

for generations.

Zahlen und Fakten

Als REON GROUP unterstützen wir dabei, den Wert der Dinge zu erkennen und Lösungen zu schaffen, die aus alt, neu machen.


Wir setzen wir jährlich rund 1 Million Tonnen Sekundärrohstoffe um.


Die Substitution von Primärrohstoffen durch Sekundärrohstoffe spart 1,2 Tonnen CO² pro erzeugter Tonne Stahl ein.

CO² Ausstoß

Das verhindert einen CO²-Ausstoß von über 1 Million Tonnen pro Jahr.


Wir vereinen führende Recyclingunternehmen im Eisen- und Metallbereich und sind ein Schlüssellieferant der heimischen Stahlindustrie.

for generations.